Biedrība ”Īslīces sieviešu klubs”Rītausma", Latvia

Biedriba "Islices sieviesu klubs "Ritausma""

The society “ Ritausma”  women club of “Islice” is founded on  April 5, 2006, and registered on May, 16, 2006. Stimulating the level of life and health, the self-education of women and making more active their social life is the main cause of the society, as well as the maintenance of the national traditions and delivering them to the younger generation.

The board of administration organizes the activities of the society. They are active women who take part in amateur performances and hobby groups. They make popular the Latvian traditions and high quality recreation.

The aims of the organisation:

  1. to promote the possibilities of dwellers of Īslīce autonomy raising the level of life, health stimulating and others,
  2. to promote the self-education of women and actives the social actions of country women,
  3. to organize the possibilities of psychological mood in the family,
  4. to realize and change the social economic position of women,
  5. to promote the maintenance and delivering national traditions to the younger generations.

The Dare2Wow project benefits from the large knowledge in working with wooden looms - a craft that our organisation delivers in short-term courses to our students. We work on large wooden looms that are traditional for our area in producing variety of items from little bookmarks to large scarfs, rugs and even carpets. The size of our wooden looms permit choice of sized and with regards to that we make wonderful traditional items that later stay with the student themselves or remain a possession to the organisation for exhibitions or gifts to our partners, present to this partnership the rich Latvian tradition in wooden-loom weaving with its amazing patters and quality of production.